Hi everyone,
Wondering if anyone else has experienced this when updating their thread. I am running into a server timeout error* often when I'm attempting make a post with an attached imaged. I wasn't able to post any WIP images this last week due to this and it finally was working again for about an hour today but now it's back. Has anyone else run into this? I'm not trying to upload anything larger than 20mb so I don't think that is the issue.
Here's the exact error message:
Request Timeout
Server timeout waiting for the HTTP request from the client.
Hello Long Tran,
We've looked into this issue, and it seems your posts are now showing up. If you were trying to post something else, try again. Let us know if you are having any other trouble.
Thank you!
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for looking into this! Unfortunately I'm still encountering this issue. There was about an hour window earlier this morning when my post where going through with their attached image but since that time then I've been seeing that same error message again. I'm just tried again to make a post with my final beauty shot attached and had the same issue.
@longbtran88 I may be having a similar issue, which could be a good thing if it's affecting more than one of us
@skullpt The problem was intermittent for me. Sometime it would work. Maybe try resizing your images down for this scenario as well.
Hello, I've already submitted my entry, but it doesn't appear in the contest library. Do I success submitted it? but there is no error message. I try to reupload several times and I got the error.
Hi, I have a problem for upload my entry: It doesn't work at all, a message said to me to contact the admin. What can I do? There's no much time left to post my image...
If you are having trouble uploading your entry, AnimSchool Contest participant Lyubomir Spirov has a useful tip for you:
"Try to compress the image for websites in Photoshop. That way you can control its file size. When you open Photoshop, go File -> Export - Save for Web (Legacy). There you have the outlined settings, including presets that will help you control the file size and its quality for the web. I hope that helps."
@jessedraper yes I succeeded with his idea, thanks for the reply!