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Thank you for posting!

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Jesse Draper
Posts: 49
AnimSchool Contest Moderator Admin
Topic starter

Hello 3D artists!

Thank you for posting your concepts and starting your WIP threads. We love seeing all the wonderful concept art and are happy to see all your progress!

  • Remember in your interactions with your fellow artists to always build-up and never tear down.
  • Let's foster a community of creativity and learning.
  • There is still time to start your entry if you haven't posted yet. 
  • Spread the word! Tell your friends about the contest, the more the merrier.


A few points of clarification:

Submit your final beauty shot starting on Jan 10th, 2021. The last day to submit is Jan 25th, 2021.

Please post your final beauty shot in 4K (4000 pixels on the longest side) We want to see all the gorgeous detail. Your WIP thread qualifies your final entry and we want to see every stage of the process. Please list all software used in your WIP thread. You can only upload one beauty shot for your final contest entry, so make sure to post a full-figure of your 3D model and not a cropped close-up. 

We love seeing concept art, but if you are doing a free-build for your 3D model, post some inspiration images and references in your WIP thread.

Keep going and enjoy the journey!

This topic was modified 4 years ago 9 times by Jesse Draper
Posted : 09/12/2020 4:06 pm