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Final Submissions

1 Posts
1 Users
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Jesse Draper
Posts: 49
AnimSchool Contest Moderator Admin
Topic starter

We made it!

The deadline to submit your final entry is finally here!


Make sure to submit your final entry by 11:59 pm (MST). Watch the countdown clock.

Don't be alarmed if your entry doesn't show up in the Novice or Professional gallery right away. We will be moderating some entries early Saturday morning. 


Voting starts for the people's choice award tomorrow. Make sure to encourage people to vote for your entry on social media and to share the gallery link you submitted your entry to. 


Stay tuned for more updates!



If you are having trouble uploading your entry, AnimSchool Contest participant Lyubomir Spirov has a useful tip for you:

"Try to compress the image for websites in Photoshop. That way you can control its file size. When you open Photoshop, go File -> Export - Save for Web (Legacy). There you have the outlined settings, including presets that will help you control the file size and its quality for the web. I hope that helps." 

Posted : 29/01/2021 2:50 pm